Not Your Mama's Steno Pool

Recently a member of our transcription team, "Kelly," related to us a conversation she had with an acquaintance who was contemplating a career change and was considering the field of online transcription. The idea of being able to work from home, as well as having greater independence and more flexibility, appealed to "Suzy" a great deal.  However, she admitted to having a few reservations, the most important of which she summed up pretty succinctly:  "I like to be challenged. What if I'm bored?"

Kelly was happy to enlighten her friend on what it's like to work in today's world of online digital transcription which, she noted, is "definitely not your mama's steno pool."  After providing Suzy some perspective on the technical skills and personal attributes necessary to succeed in today's demanding profession, she proceeded to address Suzy's challenge/boredom concerns.  Kelly summarized it to us later:

"As I was speaking to her, I realized I had never actually verbalized, even to myself, the two most important reasons I have remained committed to this particular type of work for almost a decade now:  I like to be challenged and I love to learn.  And heaven knows there's plenty of opportunity for both in this profession!  It's really not an overstatement to say I believe I have a better understanding of today's world because of the work I do.  Working in aerospace one day, the homebuilding industry the next, and technology the next, etc., etc., you can't help but absorb some of the "big picture" over time. My work has definitely helped me to better understand today's headlines, issues and challenges. Boring?  Anything but!"

We're not sure what career path Suzy will end up pursuing, but we're delighted with the enthusiasm and work ethic that Kelly brings to A Transcription 2000 Services. She's just one example of why we're so darn good at what we do.