Transcription 2000 Gets It

Over the years we've received lots of feedback from our transcription team regarding what it's like to work in this challenging profession.  One of the positive comments we hear most often concerns the diversity of environments we get to work in. 

Whether it's learning about some of the issues the oil and gas industry faces as we transcribe a quarterly earnings conference call; gettinga sense of the process that law enforcement officials follow  while conducting their investigations; listening to a tech company CEO talk about exciting new products in the pipeline; hearing an international U.S.-based restaurant chain discuss their plans for expansion in some of the world's emerging markets; or listening to a well known figure in the entertainment industry talk about their upcoming television series -- for those interested in learning more about the world around them without leaving the comfort of home, the scope of our work environment provides all the diversity one could hope for.

With that said, critical to delivering a transcript that meets so many varied clients' expectations, is making sure we understand the ground rules.  Truly verbatim transcription, such as that used in law enforcement and other legal environments, must include every utterance, false start, "um" and "uh," etc., whereas in some other environments there is more discretion allowed for minor clean-up or editing.  Understanding what is called for in each situation is crucial to delivering a quality product that meets that client's requirements.

So, before we ever set those fingers to flying on the keyboard, we at T2K will always strive to ensure we have a clear understanding of each individual client's' needs and expectations.  It's an important and integral part of what keeps us in the forefront of our wonderfully diverse working environment.